Friday, March 26, 2010

Nothing but the truth (book review)

At first, I raised a quizzical eyebrow when I first received this book in English class and found out that I was going to have read it for a grade. I mean, it was book that my class was assigned and usually, they're boring, but this one was different. It was actually interesting and I enjoyed reading it. So I read this book in less than a day (very short book), and I had to restrain myself from reading this in between my classes, I couldn't wait to read what happened next. The book is formatted in this diary/dialogue format. Its based off the true story of a boy named Philip Molloy (Philip Malloy in the book). He hates his English teacher, Miss Narwin and after he's transferred to her homeroom class, he tries to get switched back to his original class by annoying her and singing along to the "Star Spangled Banner" that's played ever morning on the intercom. After doing this about 3 times, Narwin kicks him out and the Assistant Principal gives him a choice to apologize for Narwin or get suspended for 2 days, and Malloy refuses to apologize...and well you'll have to see what happens next but I promise you, there's a lot more chaos and you won't put this book down.


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